Defra Publications for Border Operating Model Guidance - Jan 2024

Information has been published to help businesses prepare for a new approach to importing goods to Great Britain under the Border Target Operating Model.

The Border Target Operating Model sets out a new approach to sanitary and phytosanitary controls for imports of live animals, animal products, plants and plants products to Great Britain.

These leaflets are for:

  • importers in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)
  • exporters in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland

BCP leaflet version 3 (

This document is for businesses that import plants and plant products to Great Britain. It explains what happens when your goods are checked at a border control post.

FINAL Import Notification Guide 22/12 - index Ireland (

This leaflet is for businesses that import live animals, animal products, plants or plant products to Great Britain. It explains how to give advance notice of your consignment to authorities in Great Britain using IPAFFS (import of products, animals, food and feed system).

PC leaflet - FINAL VERSION (

This leaflet is for businesses that export plants and plant products from the EU, Liechtenstein and Switzerland to Great Britain. It explains:

  • what a phytosanitary certificate is
  • how to get one
  • what you need to do with it

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