Food Experts / FPC MRL Divergence Database

Following GB's exit from Europe, Maximum Residue Levels of pesticides permitted in food will now vary as GB determines its own appropriate levels. MRL's are set as trading limits as opposed to safety limits, but exceedance of such MRL's means that product is not legal for trade.

The divergence between EU and GB is important because:

1. if you are sourcing from overseas and your source is supplying both the EU and GB, they need to be made aware of the possible differences between legal trading limits. GB may be lower than EU MRL's.

2. if you intend selling product onwards to the EU, you need to be aware that MRL's may be lower than those permitted in the UK.

FPC Members have been offered free access to Food Experts MRL Divergence platform which allows the ability to check differences between UK and EU MRL's. You can access by clicking below.

You may be asked to register with Food Experts (this is free) prior to getting access.