Updated 18 Jan Commodity Codes and Most Favoured Nation Tariff Rates - UK Global Tariff Document

The attached reference document details the UK’s most favoured nation tariff rates, known as the UK Global Tariff.

FThe reference document also establishes the UK’s commodity code structure, which properly classifies goods imported to the UK and ensures they pay the correct tariff rate.

Fresh produce items can be found in Section II:

Chapter 6 - Live trees and other plants: bulbs, roots and the like, cut flowers and ornamental foliage

Chapter 7 - Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers

Chapter 8 - Edible fruits and nuts, peel of citrus fruit or melons

Click here for the document: The Tariff of the United Kingdom version 1 13 dated 18 January 2023

The statutory instruments that have given legal effect to this reference document, and previous versions of this document, can be found at: