17 Oct 2024
Back in March 2023, WRAP published The Pathway to Selling More Uncut Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Loose (The Pathway), which set out a vision to increase the proportion of fresh produce to be sold loose by 2025 and 2030. Since then, WRAP has been working with the retailers and their suppliers through the Unpacking the Opportunity industry working group to understand the barriers and help find solutions, so that together we can achieve the ambition, and there has been some great progress.
Levelling the playing field
Through this work, WRAP and industry partners have identified several barriers to transitioning to a largely loose retail environment for fresh uncut produce. Policy interventions were raised by members as crucial to overcoming these barriers, creating a level playing field for the industry, and providing the necessary legislative and regulatory support to realise ambitions to sell more loose produce.
Working with stakeholders
During 2024, WRAP held a series of workshops with industry and government stakeholders exploring different policy mechanisms. The result of this is a new Policy Recommendation for removing packaging from fresh produce in the UK.
You can read more about the work on their new page.
Find out more
Any questions or if you are interested in joining the ‘Unpacking the Opportunity’’ industry working group contact courtauldcommitment@wrap.ngo
14 Oct 2024